
How It Works?

Are you a true supporter of children and an experienced educator?

Anyone who shares the same principles with us can become a member of our unique team of child care specialists!

True kindness, harmony, wisdom, reverence, creativity, love for evolution and improvement, observation skills and honesty, joyfulness and gratitude are some of our virtues that we set as necessary foundation stones to succeed in any mission!

We really believe in the power of unity, so we make sure to train our staff from the beginning in specially designed seminars and workshops (in real conditions), which cover all the necessary knowledge of a complete educator with additional bodyguard skills. Through this unique experience, educators from all educational levels and specialties, exchange valuable qualities that each one brings individually and shares with the whole team. At the end of each seminar, the result justifies us, as a newly unified body of a strong collectivity is formed and working as one!

Are you Inspired?

Join our Educational Seminars!

In 6O hours of seminars including theory and workshops by specialists of each kind you have the exceptional opportunity to be educated and trained as a child care professional. Your personality will rise and your consciousness will be upgraded in a magnificent way by harmonious and healing music, using methods of logical clarity thinking, and focusing on subjects that cover a wide range of this lovely work we do.

From your appearance inside and out to your way of eating and moving in this new era, nothing will be the same again.

Of course your safety starts with you! Security classes are included as a strong base of empowerment!

Children will have the last word as they are going to give you grades on our last joyful workshop!

Happy to answer your questions.

Send your CV

*Astrarche® maintains the right to decline with no further explanation of any training application.
** Astrarche®  maintains the right to change training topics, curriculum, and instructors according to class needs until the first day of class.